Saturday, December 27, 2008

Christmas 2008

Merci and Zach: aren't they just the cutest!! they are always running around holding hands and dancing together.
Merci and Daddy at the Downtown Medford Christmas Tree Lighting
Merci and Paige at the Festival of Trees

Christmas Eve

Merci and her "Mimi" Look at the adorable Christmas Penguin dress Merci has on. The Grandma that she is sitting with made it for her. Thanks again Grandma Mimi

Christmas Morning

Don't they look so sleepy......sorry I had to wake you guys up so early but we had to do our family's Christmas before heading over to Grandma and Grandpa's. and it wasn't so bad when you realized there were Christmas Cinnamon Rolls for you Huh..... Umm Yummy!
We have had an unbelievably busy holiday season this year, but for some reason it is still my favorite time of year. I included pictures of some of the holiday activities we took Merci to this year. We had an amazing time with Mikes family for Christmas, and we are praying that the pass is clear this weekend so that we can celebrate our Christmas with with my parents this weekend.

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Merci's Birthday Party

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Happy Birthday Merci

Here are some pictures of the past 2 years........We love you so much sweetie, you have made such a difference in our lives.

Monday, December 1, 2008

So much to be Thankful for

This Thanksgiving was by far one of my most memorable......although it was all the way in Seattle, it was so worth the drive for the memories that were created there. If you can imagine the generosity it must have taken to allow over 11 adults, three rambunctious children and lets not forget the 2 babies, into their house. Thanks Aunt Debbie and Uncle John. My fondest memory would have to be all of us girls packing in the car on Black Friday, determined to go shopping, and ending two blocks away from my aunts house at a Starbucks with no shopping bags in tow :( we drove around for nearly 2 hours when it was over, driving through traffic, in Seattle mind you, and also looking for parking. But i have to say the time we spent hanging out around the table in a Starbucks was priceless. Hope all of your Thanksgivings were as blessed as mine.

Here is the kids table centerpiece the girls and I put together.
Merci and my Uncle John, He was sneaking her sweets all weekend.

Monday, November 3, 2008

Pumpkin Carving......or Rather Pumpkin Decorating

Merci and Daddy decorating her pumpkin
here she is giving Love to her pumpkin
.....and pointing out her nose and the pumpkins noseThis pumpkin was so much fun for the girls, they were entertained with it for days.Xander is the turtle, Logan is Tigger, Merci is the Ballerina, Kambri is the light pink fairy and Aubri is the dark pink fairy.and as you can see we lost the two little ones.

Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch '08

This is our annual family picture on the log.

Here she is not wanting to pose with me, Always on the go cant even stop to take a picture

Our weekend was filled with pumpkins, it felt like we saw nothing but pumpkins. I have to say it was a lot more fun this year, we were able to do most of the activities. Merci especially liked the horsey ride, or how Merci would pronounce it "Horhey" She is so brave, at the little petting Zoo she kept calling all the animals over to her and was so friendly to them, she was maybe more friendly than she ought to have been i.e. aggressive. but she had a good time and the animals kept coming back to her. When we were out at the pumpkin picking patch she saw that everyone was carrying a pumpkin so she decided to tote one around too, but as soon as she saw the tractor that was coming to pick us up she got so excited she dropped her pumpkin and wanted nothing to do with it, she didnt even want me to carry it for her, luckily i was already carrying one so we still came home with the perfect pumpkin. It just ammuses me how independent and stubborn she can be sometimes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day at the Cabin

We had such a great time at Mikes families cabin up near Hilt CA, its so close we were able to make a day of it. It was fun to go and act like we were camping with the camp fire, wondering around the woods, and shooting off a few clips from a 22......which don't be fooled i may have been raised around guns, but i still have never actually hit anything I was aiming at. Here are a few pictures of Merci and her Grandpa at the stream.

Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Summer Fun

Here is Kambri playing with the couch cushions

Merci, Aubri( look at her stick out her tongue) and Kambri
Thanks Grandma Patt for the girls "Night-Night" beds, they use them every day for naps
Merci is always painting herself instead of the paper oh, well........ it makes for cute pictures

Here are some pictures of the fun the Girls and I had this Summer! Hope you enjoy!!!! Things were really hard for a while, but we have now figured out what works best for aubri, and the the girls and I are able to do fun stuff during her morning nap. here is some of the fun we have had the past few weeks.