Monday, October 27, 2008

Pumpkin Patch '08

This is our annual family picture on the log.

Here she is not wanting to pose with me, Always on the go cant even stop to take a picture

Our weekend was filled with pumpkins, it felt like we saw nothing but pumpkins. I have to say it was a lot more fun this year, we were able to do most of the activities. Merci especially liked the horsey ride, or how Merci would pronounce it "Horhey" She is so brave, at the little petting Zoo she kept calling all the animals over to her and was so friendly to them, she was maybe more friendly than she ought to have been i.e. aggressive. but she had a good time and the animals kept coming back to her. When we were out at the pumpkin picking patch she saw that everyone was carrying a pumpkin so she decided to tote one around too, but as soon as she saw the tractor that was coming to pick us up she got so excited she dropped her pumpkin and wanted nothing to do with it, she didnt even want me to carry it for her, luckily i was already carrying one so we still came home with the perfect pumpkin. It just ammuses me how independent and stubborn she can be sometimes.

Monday, October 20, 2008

Day at the Cabin

We had such a great time at Mikes families cabin up near Hilt CA, its so close we were able to make a day of it. It was fun to go and act like we were camping with the camp fire, wondering around the woods, and shooting off a few clips from a 22......which don't be fooled i may have been raised around guns, but i still have never actually hit anything I was aiming at. Here are a few pictures of Merci and her Grandpa at the stream.