Thursday, July 23, 2009

A New Name

So we thought we were set on a name for our little boy, but as it turns out Caden is more popular than we would prefer. So we just kept on searching, and though i feel that we have come to a name I am not going to promise anything in case we meet our little guy and feel that it is not the appropriate name for him. Mike and I have certain expectations for the name:
1. we wanted it to be either biblical or have some sort of biblical reference
2. we wanted it to be as unique or as uncommon as Merci (which has been the biggest challenge)
3. and we wanted to be able to use Michael as the middle name.

So we have decided that his name is going to be

Bennett Michael Combs
according to one of our baby books it is the formal version of Benjamin, which means son of my right hand.
But, on the internet it said it was a variation of Benedict, which means Blessed.
So....either way i figure our little guys name has a pretty cool meaning30 weeks: sorry facial expression is a little funny, but these were taken with Mike's phone so they aren't the best. We are hoping to get a few maternity shots done this weekend so hopefully i will be posting those soon!