Friday, May 30, 2008


Well ....... it must be the season for young couples to get engaged! It seems like everyday we are hearing of another couple who are engaged. Well Michael's sister Megan got asked by her now Fiance Mikyl, and we couldn't be happier. Welcome to our Loving and sometimes chaotic family Mikyl. We know that you will treat her with the respect and love that she needs, you have proven that with the way you have treated her while you were dating. I wish I had a pic of the adorable newly engaged couple but I will take some at Megan's COLLEGE grauduation!!!!! Way to go Megs!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

A little Treat

After Mike's game on Thursday we went and got a treat, even though the wind was blowing at about 100 miles per hour and Merci and I were in the crowd cheering mike on while being wrapped in a blanket. It is still a tradition that we go and get treats after his game. So here is Mike and Merci sharing her first Ice cream cone (lets be serious here, the kid has had ice cream before, just never in a cone before.) I have to tell you guys how good Mike's team did. Mike hit 3 for 3( Way to go honey ) and he even made it all the way home one time, though his team did end up losing by 1 point 15 to 16 we were really impressed with how well the team played together, especially for this only being there second game and since half of the guys haven't picked up a bat in the last 10 years.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Little Logan

Well......I have to start off by saying sorry that it has taken me so long to update my blog, what with family being in town, church, and Mike's Softball games I have been so tired at night , that i just haven't had the energy to even look at my blog. Well mister Logan was born on may 14, 2008, and though I titled this entry "little Logan" he was anything but, he weighed in at 9 lbs 14 oz can you believe that, almost another 10 pounder. I don't know how my sis carries it her doctor was very certain that he was going to be no bigger than 7.5 lbs. Well all i can say is that it sure has been fun having both my sis' home with their babies.

Monday, May 5, 2008

Baby Alger

Yay!!! baby Alger was born today. Hannah was induced and had an unbelievable labor (Way to go Han, you did awesome) Little beautiful Aubri Kathryn Alger (Sorry I don't know the exact spelling on the first or middle name) was born at 5:24 pm and was 8 lbs and 2 oz and 20 inches long. We love you guys and are so happy for this new little addition to our family, can't wait to get to know her personality.