Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I keep hearing how much i need to do an sorry:( I cant find my camera cord and so i haven't been able to upload any new pictures. and personally i enjoy reading blogs that put pictures up, i love seeing how much the children have changed since last i saw them, so i guess I've been putting it off because i assume others are the same way. Mr. Bennett has changed so much, he is our little smile guy, which ironically for our Combs family pictures Bennett didn't smile hardly at all......Kids, they are so unpredictable:) we do have a case of the no naps, and still waking up at around 2am, and for as many times as I've read the baby whisperer you'd think I'd be able to figure this little guy out. but we are putting him on a pretty strict schedule which he seems to thrive on, it is so foreign to me, Merci was on a pretty lose schedule just as long as i did E.A.S.Y (eat,activity,sleep,yourself) with her she would take 2 three hr naps and still sleep through the night, Bennett.......not so much. I'm singing hallelujah if i get an hour nap out of him, more typically he's a 45 min nap taker. Which i hear from Mikes mother that she was lucky if mike would even take a 45 min nap, so I'm assuming it must run in the family. Michael and i were so spoiled by Merci, she slept through the night at 6 wks, so you can imagine the frustration we feel with Bennett still waking. but i blame part of it on the fact that he is still in our room :( but Merci and Bennett share a room (or at least Merci shares a room with Bennett's crib) so i just cant figure out how to transition him in there with out completely disturbing her. i know i probably sound desperate, but if anyone has any suggestions or knowledge on the area i would love your advice. hopefully i will be able to figure out my camera situation this weekend and put up some new pics of the kiddos:)