Monday, February 16, 2009

A new Heart in the Family

This adorable little heart shaped baby is the newest addition to our family. Mike and I went to the Dr. this morning for an early ultrasound I am only about 8.5 weeks along but my Dr. wanted to get a more accurate due date, which is now Sept. 25. Aside from being nauseous and Tired I would say it has been a pretty average pregnancy, I was blessed with an easy pregnancy with Merci aside from some nausea so we are praying this one turns out the same. There is so much to think about with the 2nd one on the way like:

  • is Merci really ready to move upstairs all by herself
  • We now need to transition her into a big girl bed (which has been on my mind but i thought we would tackle potty training first)
  • How is Merci going to react to a new little one
  • How am i going to function with 2 kiddos for the first 6 weeks with no sleep (and that's saying that the 2nd one sleeps through the night at 6 weeks like Merci.......Yeah right!
If anyone has any baby name ideas I would love to hear them we are willing to consider anything.